Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How to be happy and have all that you want !

In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful !
To make someone else happy, you have to be happy first.
You can't give away something you don't have !
In order to achieve the happiness in your life that you have always sought, and to get rid of all the negativity in your life it is imperative that you follow the simple process below. Everything I am about to tell you is based upon what I have learnt from the Quran and Hadith, along with the numerous studies of authors and keynote speakers who have devoted their lives towards the betterment of humankind.

Being happy starts from your thought. It is said that 'thoughts become reality'. Whatever you think... you become. ! it's as simple as that.

Qutantum physics now proves the fact that our thoughts, just like matter, travel in the forms of waves and impact our sorroundings and outside world. I urge you to watch the video called "what the bleep do we know". It's available on youtube and you can also rent it from one of the stores. The video is based upon the findings of quantum physics and proves what I have and will be talking about in the rest of the articles to come. Islam already has shown us all that, but for those who require proof from a scientific point of view, the video is a great watch.

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