Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Praying Salaat ? are you kidding me ? !

Yea, you read it right ! r u kidding me ?
read nimaz. pray. why ?
because we're Muslims. ok sure ! I'll do it if you say so. but do you do it ?
sure I do.
really ? Yes really. and every Muslims should do it. and that's why I'm telling you to do it too.
...... here's what a typical conversation between two Muslims that would take place where one brother or sister who is "good Muslim" telling the other brother or sister to pray cause the other one doesn't. sure. it's all good.
what exactly are you asking the other muslim to do ? go do some rituals with water splashed over your body. oh and it's called wudu. so the newbie (the person who you're trying to tell to go pray) asks. what's that for ?

never mind that. it's just the way it is and we just have to do it.....
OK... says the newbie... and then u say after that's done here's what you read in nimaz when you stand up straight then go in ruku and sajood. and you either write it down or give a book with the ayaat's that the newbie is supposed to read through out the standing up and ruku and sujoood of the prayer.
so there. your job as the "good muslim" is done ... so you feel.

and the newbie brother/sister says. ok so I'll do this because we're supposed to. but can you tell me why we have to do this ? why this particular way ? and what does all this arabic that I'll memorize to read the prayer mean ?

If the answer to that by you is... hey i dont know just do it. you're not supposed to ask why in religion ! dont be a fool ! well then the response you get is certainly, if not outspoken but thought, will be....

r u kidding me ?
read nimaz. pray. why ?

that's what the newbie will think... the ideas going across the kids and even the newbie adults would be...
why should i ? what's the point ? will this make a difference ? what's the importance ? so what if i don't ? and even if i do would someone please tell me WHY ? !

so u see brothers and sisters... reading the arabic during prayers is one thing. it's great we have even memorized it by heart. and i'm sure most of us even know the translation to the arabic we read. but do we know what it really means ? why do we read it ? what's the POINT ? ?

if you're read so far, i'm sure ure curious to know. I know I was. so I searched, I asked, I went and sat with the ulamaa's and am continuing to do so.. Why ? because just like the student in class who asks questions and is attentive learns the most, same is the muslim who seeks knowledge to better him/herself and ASKS.

here's a plain simple english version of what I feel can convey the idea of why we should and what it means. I am by no means a scholar, an Aalim, or anyone of that sort. I am just like most of us, a simple plain muslim. Who wants to know what it is that we have to do five times a day. why . why . why ? cause untill we ask this question why ? we can't find the truth.

1. You say niyaah ( intention) and takbir (allah hu akbar). the intention that says it out loud that you intend to pray so and so prayer, fajr, zuhr etc depending upon time. and you intend to face yourself standing towards the direction of ka'ba.

2. you read surah fatiha. Alhamdulillah e rabbil Alamin). the word to word translation can be read in Quran. the simple idea behind it is that you're praising Allah swt, and asking him for guidance to show you the straight path (siraat e mustaqeem) so that you do not go astray and are steadfast on the path of the believers by who Allah swt is happy with.

3. you read another ayaat from Quran. whichever one you like.

4. you bow yourself which is called ruku. you say subhaan a rabb e al Azeem. meaning you're once again glorifying Allah saying he's the greatest.

5. you go down in sajdah. you say subhaan a rabb e al Aalaa. you once again praise the lord and say Allah is the greatest !

7. The sitting position in between the Sijdahs is called jalsa and the sitting position when praying Attahiyat is called Qaida.

6. once you perform the required actions before it, then comes the time when you're sitting down and start to read Attahyaat.

great so we understand the rest of the Prayer, we know what the actions mean but when we sit in this last position called Qaida and read Attahiyat. what does it mean ? and why do we read this ? what's the point ? what's the signifance ? why do we say it ?

here's why ...

The reason goes back to the time of our prophet Mohammed pbuh (peace be upon him) when he went to meet Allah swt the night which is known as the night of Miraj. That night, actually just passed last night August 10. The night when we all pray and ask for mercy.

The angel Gibril (Gabriel as some know him), was sent down to earth to Prophet Mohammed pbuh. (peace be upon him). Along with Gabriel was an animal that is known to be a mix of horse and donkey. known as Khacchar (in urdu). the name for the animal was Burraq. it comes from the word burq which means light. The significance being the animal was fast as light for traveling.

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), was asked to ride on Burraq and then during the night period was taken to Masjid e Aqsa. Bear in mind that some think all of this took place spiritually. But for a spirit, an animal is not needed to ride upon. More over, Miraj for our prophet took place physically as well as spiritually. the human body as we have it in this world. no exceptions. The time, during this en devour, for the world stopped. As they say that the time from when the our prophet went on this journey to when He came back, the door knob which was moving when He left, was still moving when he came back.
(Time travel explanation for this is quite easy these days now with the theory of relativity by Einstein is in place. so scientific evidence is there for the curious minds )

Prophet Mohammed, in Masjid e Aqsa prayed with all the prophets who came before Him and prophet Mohammed lead that prayer. From there he was taken up towards the skies. Gibrael accompanied him through the seven skies. At each sky, Prophet Mohammed was greeted by one of the Prophets earlier. The details I can write in a different journal

When Prophet Mohammed reached the 7th sky, there came a point where Gibrael said, O Prophet, from here on, I can no longer accompany you on your journey to meet Allah swt. Prophet Mohammed asked, why not ? you are one of the most pious, you're made of Noor (light), then why is it that you can not continue further.
Gibrael replied, because from here onwards, the Noor of Allah swt is so powerful, that against that my noor is of no significance. and because of the power of the Noor of Allah swt, my wings would burn if i continued. So Prophet Mohammed pbuh continued the journey alone towards the Arsh (throne) or Allah swt. to the point where Prophet Mohammed pbuh was greeted by Allah swt. and here is the conversation that took place.

Allah asked Prophet Mohammed pbuh, that O prophet, you've come here to meet me. Do tell. what have you brought for me ?

.. because just like when we go and meet a friend we usually take a gift to show our friendship and kindness towards our friend.. so in this question Allah wanted to know what is it that Prophet Mohammad could possibly bring for Allah swt

Prophet Mohammad replied: O Allah, I have brought you something that you don't even have. Prophet Mohammed continued, O Allah, you are the rabb ul Alameen, you are the creator and you are the owner of all the heavens and earth, there is nothing that you do not control and do not have....
But I (prophet Mohammed) have brought you something that you do not have. You O Allah are the Master and creator therefore you do not praise and you do not pray. That is what I have brought for you. and Prophet Mohammed said : Attahyat ho Lillahe wassalawat o wattaiyebato...
meaning, O Allah all the prayers and all the praises are for you my lord.

Allah swt upon hearing this was very pleased and he replied to the Prophet Mohammed pbuh : Assalam-o Alaika ayyuhan nabiyu wa rahma-tul-lahy wa barakatu-hu which means Peace be upon you O Prophet, the blessing and the mercy of Allah be upon you.

The Prophet, as always, was not concerned with himself only and he wanted his followers also to be included in the blessings that Allah invoked upon him so he said: Assalam-o alayna wa 'ala 'ibadillah-his saliheen which means Peace be upon us and upon the righteous people of Allah.

SO, this is the conversation that took place between Allah swt and Prophet Mohammed pbuh during the night of Miraj that we recite every time during the prayer while sitting down.

we then continue saying what we call the Shahada: Ashhadu Allah ilaha illalLah wa ashhadu- unna Muhammad-an 'abdu-hu wa rasool-lu hu which means: We witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His slave and His Prophet.

The remainder of the prayers that we say after the end of the Shahada i.e. As-Salah al-Ibrahimiyyah etc. are what we call a du'a but, it is optional; if you say it, it is okay and if you don't say it, it is okay also and if you say Assalam o Alaikum wa Rahamatullah your prayer is complete.

May Allah bless us all and give us the taufeeq to read Nimaz the right way ourselves, and also teach the young ones and other brothers and sisters about the Deen of Islam.

plz plz plz do tell everyone you know about the latter part of the nimaz where we read Attahyaat as the meaning and significance of that part, is not known to many.

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