Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rich Muslims

In less time than you think !

The key to success in business and your personal life awaits ! keep reading.
In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful !
So, you want to quit your job because you're not happy, or perhaps you're in your own business but just not getting the success you want. Maybe you're doing quite well but how about you double or triple your income ? Sound like something you'd want ? then keep reading...
In order to achieve the wealth that you desire, you have to follow the steps described below.

  • Be happy right now !
  • Ask Allah swt !
  • Imagine that you already have it, and be thankful !
  • The secret ingredient !
Be Happy Right Now !

To make someone else happy, you have to be happy first.
You can't give away something you don't have ! Start by closing your eyes after reading this.... and keep them closed for a minute... then open your eyes and read on after you've opened your eyes after a minute...
Now, Imagine if you had to live the rest of your life in the state that you just experienced with your eyes closed. Imagine who you would drive back home, live your daily life without being able to see anything ! Would that not be miserable ? Would you ever want that to happen ? You know. there are people in this world who do not have eye sight. They can not see. Who have no choice... You do. And this is something to be thankful for ! So right now, right this second, thank Allah swt every moment of your life for even a small thing like the fact that you can see. Because if it were taken away you wouldn't experience the joys that you are right now. To be happy and to show gratitude to Allah swt, thank Him every moment for all the things that you have in life.
Prayer is meant to be a form of gratitude and thanks to Allah swt. Did you ever go to a friend who had done you a favor and said thanks in a very low sad tone, with tears of misery falling in your eyes ? did you ever in this state say to your friend thanks if your friend gave you something that did wonders to your life and helped you out ? I think not. Instead, you would show gratitude to your friend and say thanks in the most upbeat and happy manner that you can, with a smile on your face.
Same is the situation of your prayer. Prophet Mohammed pbuh said, the best form of salaa't is where you imagine that you're watching Allah swt, and if you can't do that then atleast imagine that Allah swt is watching you.
When you're saying thanks to Allah swt with the imagination that you're watching Him, should you not be more thankful, happy and upbeat than you would be if you were to thank your friend ? I think so. Therefore, let the next prayer of yours be one filled with joy and gratitude.
We pray and we thank Allah swt for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. How then, is it possible that during our salaa't and after we've finished it, are we still in a state of sadness or misery ? If it is so, go and pray again. If you have any sorrow or problem in your life right now, take your mind off of it. Instead, think of all the things that you have been blessed by Allah swt and be happy for that ! the sorrow shall go away automatically. inshaAllah.

Ask Allah swt !

Once you are in the state of happiness, the next step is to ask !
As Muslims, the way to ask is by prayer. Read two raka'at nafl sala'at and ask Allah swt for whatever it is that you may seek.
But, you must be careful! Do not ask Allah swt for "money". As there's a hadith which says that whoever asks Allah swt for money, Allah decreases his wealth.
Therefore, instead of asking for money, ask for things that you actually want that requires money. for example, house, car, business growth, job etc. Everything but money itself should be asked for. Because once you have what you want, the money is obviously a pre-requisite. But that will come on it's own. You need not worry about how and from where. Allah swt will provide you the means of it inshaAllah.

Imagine that you already have it, and be thankful !

Once you've followed the step of asking, you should now use the powerful imagination of your brain to assume that you've already received what you have asked for. Imagine that you already are in the state where you've acheived what you asked ! Imagine the joy, imagine the gratitude that you would feel at that point in time. Now, keep that thought in your mind and heart at all times. It is bound to come true insha Allah. But for the time that has to pass in order for that to become reality, you patiently wait. And that waiting period has to be done in the state of gratitude and happiness. And it is in this state where Allah swt has said,
Inalla'ha Ma'a sabireen. Allah is with those who do sabr.
It is the state of gratitude that one should stay in and let the time pass while doing sabr (wait).

The secret ingredient !

The secret ingredient, without which not much above is possible, the igredient that works like a catalyst in this process is that of forgiveness.
Once Prophet Mohammed pbuh was sitting in the mosque with his companions, and He said, the person who will pass us in the masjid is going to be in the Jannah. And right then, a person passed them. The next day Prophet Mohammed said the same thing that the person who will pass them will be in Jannah. And the same person as the day before passed them. The third day, the same thing happened. One of the sahabi (prophet Mohammed pbuh's companions) decided to find out what it was about the person that gave him such a high honor, that Prophet Mohammed pbuh himself gave the glad tidings of Jannah (heaven) for him. So the sahabi went to the person's home and made up a story that he was in a need to stay and would like to be a guest for three nights. As was the custom of that time, the person allowed the sahabi to stay as a guest. For three nights, the sahabi watched every move of the person, but could not come up with anything that was out of the ordinary. On the third day, before leaving, the sahabi confronted the person and told him that he had actually come to visit because of what Prophet Mohammed had said about him. And that the sahabi wanted to find out what act did the person perform that made him such a great Muslim to be given Jannah. The person upon hearing this said, well you have observed me. I do not do anything different than what you do. I pray, I do the deeds a Muslim should do. Nothing I do is much different. Upon hearing this, the sahabi turned around to leave, when the person said, I dont do any deed which is do different, unelss ! there is this one act that I do. The sahabi asked him what that deed was. And the person replied, every day before I go to bed, I forgive every person in my life. I keep no hard feelings for anyone in my heart whatsoever. ! Upon hearing this, the sahabi replied, indeed, this is the act that has granted you jannah, and it is the act that we can not do.
The moral of the hadith is that, not only is forgiveness the key ingredient in acheving happiness and wealth in this world, it is also such a noble and great deed, that our Prophet Mohammed pbuh gave the glad tidings of the person going to Jannah for who performs this act ! Why then shall we waste even a moment of our lives with any hard feelings in our heart for anyone at all.
In order to forgive, take out a piece of paper, and then write down all the names of the people who you think ever hurt you in your life. This includes your parents, siblings, spouse, children, friends, co-workers or anyone even remotely associated to your life who has hurt you or is hurting you at the moment. Then for ever person, write down and repeat the following:
I (your name), forgive (the person's name) for everything that he/she did. I forgive him/her completely for what he/she did or is doing right now. I wish him/her well. May Allah bless him/her !
It is imperative that you write the above and then do so from within your heart and mean it. By doing so you will release any negative emotions or energy and then will utilize your energy to the fullest to acheive your goals by following the rules stated above insha Allah !

For the website for the same check out http://muslimmillionaires.googlepages.com/

Check out my other site on how to be happy ! http://happymuslims.googlepages.com/

For islamic library visit http://islamlibrary.googlepages.com

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