Saturday, July 5, 2008

Moderate or Extremist?

The text book definition of moderate is, reasonable, modest, sensible, and fair. All of which we as Muslims are supposed to be to begin with. However, the whole notion of moderate versus extreme Muslims used to confuse the bejeeses out of me until it dawned upon me one day during when I was in the mosque praying Maghrib.

After the Imam finished the prayer, the brother right next to me tapped me on the shoulder and this is how the conversation went:
Him: Brother, I noticed that you said salaam at the end of salaat rather quickly.
Me: not sure what he meant by that, what do you mean brother?
Him: well, you’re not supposed to move your head right and left right after the imam. You’re supposed to wait a little and then do it.
Me: smiling a little, brother, Allah is raheem and kareem. He looks at the heart and I’m sure he is often forgiving and merciful.
Him: No, it’s wrong.
Me: brother, let’s look at the bigger picture as Muslims shall we. Instead of worrying about such minor details, let’s focus upon the fact that someone is in the mosque praying. Let’s be happy about that.
Him: angrily, no but what’s wrong is wrong.
Me: smiling, thanks again, but we as Muslims really ought to be bigger than this. And Allah looks at the heart more than such minor incidents.
Him: this is just your lack of knowledge!.. (He then walks away).

I stayed there afterwards, sat down with the brothers who were teaching the hadeeth after the prayer, while all this time smiling and at the same time a little confused and angry. Because I realized for the first time what Muslims who claim to be moderate and not extreme Muslims, really meant by it.

I had always been an advocate of how there is no such concept of extremism or moderation in Islam. Because, in reality, Islam is black and white with no place for grey areas. However, once I started to notice how people who take the teachings and practices of Islam to the extreme in a negative sense, I realized that Islam is not extreme at all. Islam is all about forgiveness. And those who are very rigid and non-forgiving as Muslims are the ones who are creating a bad rapport for the deen of Islam, forcing the believers and non-believers to sub-divide Islam and Muslims into extremists and moderates.

In the times of Prophet Mohammed, pbuh, a man from a village passed by Masjid e nabwi (mosque of Prophet in Medina). The man had to use the restroom, and not knowing any better, in the middle of the mosque started to urinate. Upon seeing this companions of Prophet pbuh were outraged and they took out their swords ready to snap the neck off that person’s body. But our beloved Prophet pbuh asked the companions to step aside. Then he sat the person down and in a very calm and lovingly way explained to the person that the mosque is a place of worship for Allah swt. And that if someone has to urinate then the person should go to the designated areas where the restrooms are.
Such is the teachings of our prophet pbuh. Our prophet did not become angry because the wisdom dictated that a person who does not know any better should not be shouted upon. More over if anger is to be conveyed at such an incidence, the person could very well be pushed away from Islam if he is a believer, or the hope of the person converting to deen if Islam could be minimized by extreme or rude behavior.

When our Prophet would walk by the kids in the mosque who were reciting Quran while learning it, some of the children would not be able to pronounce the words correctly or would recite Quran incorrectly. Upon seeing this Prophet Mohammed would smile, sit and pat the children on their shoulders and would encourage them and be happy for what they were doing even after He knew they were doing it incorrectly. It is a hadith that a person who does not know how to read Quran, yet tries to read it earns double the rewards as the one know knows how to read it. Subhan Allah! This is what the Sunnah of our Prophet is! Do we see any extremism in the examples above?

We all talk about following the sunnah (actions that Prophet Mohammed pbuh did), when it comes to having a beard, wearing the shalwar above our ankles when praying as they’re actions which we do as being the sunnah. But sunnah is much more than just changing our appearances by growing our beards or by dressing a certain way. Sunnah is to employ the teachings of our Prophet and then mold our character in the way that our actions then mimic that of our Prophet. To follow the sunnah is to acquire a nature of forgiveness, love, care, affection for everyone not just the believers but also the non-believers.

In the earlier portion of his mission, the Prophet traveled to the city of Taif, a city located in the mountains nearby to Mecca, in order to invite them to accept Islam. The leaders of Taif, however, were rude and discourteous in their treatment of the Prophet. On His way back, the gangs and children of Taif started to throw stones at our Prophet. He was stoned to the point that His shoes became a puddle of blood flowing from his body down to his feet.
At this time, Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Mohammed and said, O Prophet, Allah swt has asked me to come to you and ask you that if you so please, the angles of mountains will be ordered to collapse with each other and the city of Taif shall be smashed within them. Upon hearing this prophet Mohammed said “No! For, I hope that Allah will bring forth from them people who will worship God alone, associating nothing with Him.” (saheeh Muslim).

Such are the examples that our Prophet Mohammed has set forth for us to follow. To follow the Sunnah is to follow the path of our Prophet. By acquiring the forgiving nature as we have been taught by his actions in some of the examples I have mentioned above. Why then do we as Muslims have become so intolerant of each other? Forget about the non-believers, we are intolerant even towards our own Muslims brothers and sisters! When I see the lack of tolerance, I remind myself that when people call themselves moderate and not extremists, they in reality are simply saying that the moderate ones are those who are practicing the Sunnah by having a forgiving and loving nature. While those who are taking the extreme on being intolerant are simply giving the deen of Islam a bad reputation that needs not be.

I pray that Allah swt gives us all the taufeeq to become the best of the best Muslims and enable us to walk on the path of Prophet Mohammed pbuh to the best of our ability. Ameen!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Are you a good spokesperson for Islam ?

Once upon a time there was a daughter of a Yahudi (jewish) man who had heard of Islam and wanted to become muslim. Her father being a yahudi and a strict one, was against her will. So he always told her that she shouldn't.

One day, a qaafila (group) of Muslims passed through that city where the yahudi and his daughter lived. The group decided to stay the night there so the muslims made camp. When it came time for prayers one of the muslim made ada'an (call for prayer) and they all prayed.

A little while later the yahudi man came to the camp of the muslim qaafila with halwa (a sweet dish). He offered it to the muslims of the group. The group asked the man what it was for. And he said first kindly eat the halwa then I will tell you.

The muslims figured that the yahudi was a nice man and wanted to offer sweets as a token of good will and generousity so they all ate the halwa. When they were done eating, the yahudi then said, a little while ago I heard someone say the ada'an. who is that person. The group pointed out the brother and the yahudi went and bowed down in front of the brother and kissed the brothers hands.

The yahudi then went on and said, let me now tell you why I came here and offered you halwa and kissed the man's hands. He said, my daughter has heard of islam and she really really wanted to become a muslim. I tried my best to keep her away from converting to islam but till this day I couldn't not keep her from changing her mind and she still wanted to convert.
Today, your group came and the brother made the ada'an. My daughter heard him say the ad'an too....
And after hearing the ada'an, the way that the brother made the ada'an was in such a bad and poor voice and manner... that my daughter changed her mind to become a muslim after hearing it....

Moral: Islam is a beautiful deen, but what matters most is the way it is presented, and the person who presents it matters as well !

whosoever takes the responsibility to either call the non-muslims or even the existing muslims to come join the deen and the good deeds, needs to make sure that he/she is a good spokesperson, and makes an excellent presentation. So that the person who listens will accept it.

In the times of Prophet Mohammad pbuh, He would pick the best presenters and spokes people to go to other cities and areas to call those people to Islam.
Once, hazrat Khalid bin-waleed, who was a great soldier, was sent to a city to call those people to join islam. When hazrat khalid bin waleed went to the city, he made a speech there and asked people to join islam. The people of the city didn't listen to him. And started to quarrel. Upon seeing this hazrat Khalid became so angry that he pulled out his sword ready to fight them. Given his warrior instincts but then He came back and told Prophet Muhammed pbuh of the situtation.
Upon hearing this Prophet Muhammed pbuh then sent hazrat Ali to the same city. Hazrat Ali went there and made a speech. So well, that the whole city became muslim.

What we learn here is , that even our prophet Muhammed pbuh would appoint the right people for the job when it came to calling others towards the deen of islam. And it is a matter of who presents islam and in what way that makes all the difference !

May Allah bless us all and allow us to become the best muslims ourselves and the best presenters and callers to Islam. Ameen.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Desi Hitch


Assalam O Alaikum,
After living in the United States for fifteen years, I have realized that, one of the areas where Muslims are having the most amount of difficulty is finding their right marriage partner. Whether it's the parents of the boy or girl who are seeking the significant others or it's the boy or girl themselves who are striving to find someone...
Either way, they always are hitting the block, where after searching and searching, they end up sitting at home wondering... Is there a better way?

Those from abroad, who still have their families living in Pakistan, India, Egypt, or Middle East, often end up traveling back home to get married. But these days the period to wait for the sponsorship and the saga to get the person to US is yet another dilemma.
Everywhere I looked, at the local community, the Jumma prayers, the friends circle, the families circle, State wide, Nationwide whether it was in the US or the UK, I saw the same situation of unease and the lack of comfort.

That has prompted me to take up the task to aid in what Allah swt has asked Muslims to do. To be married. May Allah help us all find our companions in life. Amen.

Amer Raza

Why is it tough for Muslim youth to get married these days?
I'm not sure about you, but it's become a common site these days at least in the metro areas, seeing a Muslim girl or a guy getting married to either American Non-Muslims, Hindus, even Sikhs. Don't believe me, pick up some matrimonial magazine that are published by non-Muslims and you'll see. Our Muslim media deliberately avoids and covers up such reality.

Why is it the reason why our Muslim youth is having such a tough time finding their mates who are Muslims? Why are some ending up getting married to non-Muslims?
Quite simple. However, some or should I say most of us, would tend to simply look the other way and not face reality believing this. Nevertheless, here it is.

Simply put, double standards! The problem lies in the fact that our Muslims community tends to keep a very tough watch when it comes to our youth, making sure they don't mingle amongst each other. Look around the parties and get to-gethers. The males and females are split in the parties. While outside the house, at work, at the mall they are all simply hanging out together. They go to the same schools at times even. They know eachother and mingle on a constant basis, even parents know that. But when it comes to family gatherings and such, we as parents tend to look the other way and deny the fact that our youth are living in the US or UK. They have friends of the other gender who they are mingling with just as the Americans or British are.

The problem lies in the fact that we're trying to keep our traditions that work well in our Muslim countries in the western countries that we live in. It is said, do in Rome as Romans do. Well, we don't have to take it to that extreme. But we also cannot keep it on the other extreme either. We're trying to ride camels on highways, while everyone else is driving cars on them! In other words, we're magically and hopefully expecting that our youth will grow up and act as Muslim youth living in Muslim countries, while they are growing up in the west.

This is simply not possible. I repeat, get that through, this is simply not possible. Wrong expectations is what this is called. We and parents both have to realize that if we want to succeed as a Muslim Ummah living in the west, then we have to adapt the good out of the bad in the western society, as such, and use that to our benefit. What then should we do you might ask ?

What is the solution?

We should let our youth mingle among themselves. What happens conversely, is that our youth is bound to mingle with the other gender. Throughout high school and college, that is inevitable. Since our parents are so strict when it comes to mingling with the other gender in front of them and within the same community, we as youth tend to keep that distance. Yet at the same time, the youth are still mingling with other communities, namely the American, Hindu, and Sikh communities. Four years of high school, five to six years of college. All that time is enough for someone to fall in love with someone after constant mingling and hanging out even if the other is not Muslim. When that happens, the boy or girl is then too emotionally involved with that person. During this time, parents are totally unaware of this, thinking that since they made sure their kids did not mingle with the other gender in front of them in their community, they're still single and sober. That's just high hopes in this case! Sooner or later, when the topic of marriage is brought up by their parents, the kids at that time rebel. Reason being, the kids already have spent enough time with the significant other who they've made up their mind to spend the rest of their life with, whether the other is Muslim or not.

Parents, even after finding out the bitter truth, tend to force the kids to get out of that relationship. Some try to force arranged marriages, only to result in broken marriages and homes later on. Some parents disown their kids once they realize their kids are about to marry the non-Muslim regardless of their approval. No matter what happens, the results are not pretty.

So then, what should we start doing right away?

First, we should start letting our Muslim youth mingle amongst each other. At the same time we should coach them on what appropriate behavior is while interacting with the opposite gender. We should also get ourselves acquainted with Deen of Islam. Allah swt says in the Quran that when your kids become that of marriageable age, then marry them. Do not worry about their financial situation after marriage, for Allah will take care of their financial well being.

Why then are the parents still waiting for the guys to be in their 30's so that they're financially independent, and why are we waiting for girls in their mid twenties so that they're of appropriate age for the guys who are in their 30's? We're going against the natural order of the Universe, the world and our young that Allah swt has created for us. Please read more about this in Quran and Hadith in the link provided below for Islamic library online.

You might or might not agree as parents or the person who is searching for a mate with what I've said above. But realize this, if you're on this site today reading and wondering why you or your son or daughter are still single, then there must be something you're either not doing or not doing correctly. Whatever ways you have been working so far in order to search has obviously not brought the results you seek.

Albert Einstein once said, "The sure sign of insanity is to keep repeating the same things and expecting different results".

The key is to do things differently than what you have done in the past. What can you do differently then you might ask? Call me !

It is said that, the only difference in you today and a year from today is going to be based upon the people that you meet and the books that you read!

You've read this already, now it's time to meet new people!

How This System Works

This site is absolutely not going to be neither plan on being an online dating service. For that reason alone, I have decided not to post any pictures or contact information for guys or girls. This will strictly be a one on one match making process where I will talk to you personally, find out what your requirement is of the life partner.

If parents wish to call me directly, you are also welcome to. In that case I urge the parents to first sit down with the child to let him/her know what you are about to do. There are way too many cases where the parents are seeking a spouse for their children, while the children are either involved with someone else, or the children simply don't want to go the arranged marriage route.

I don't sugar coat things. I present them and say them the way they are today! That is the ingredient that is missing from our society specifically when it comes to match making. This is what makes me successful Alhamdulillah.

If you are the person who are looking for a spouse yourself, before you call me there are certain things I want you to do.

  1. Make a list of things you are looking for in your spouse
  2. Name the top most important thing that you seek from the list you created. when you call me I shall ask you about this before we go any further.
  3. Be honest to yourself and take the time to know yourself. You can't look for a match unless you yourself know who you are!

Now pick up the phone and call me.
Or if you prefer the email route, email me with an introduction to yourself, who you are, what you do, and include the most recent picture of yours along with a one page resume outlining your career and personal achievements. Spend more time talking about yourself. Refrain from asking me all sorts of personal questions. Remember, this is about You! not me.

About the Author

Amer Raza lives in New Jersey. He has been living in the US since he came from Pakistan after finishing his High School degree. He went to University in the States and after finishing his education in both Islamic Studies and IT Management, now works in IT industry and serves the Muslim Ummah with the knowledge Allah swt has given him

I urge you to visit the online Islamic library link below to increase your knowledge of Islam and how Muslim marriages are meant to be.

Online Islamic Library

You can Email me

I will provide the telephone number to serious inquiries.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rich Muslims

In less time than you think !

The key to success in business and your personal life awaits ! keep reading.
In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful !
So, you want to quit your job because you're not happy, or perhaps you're in your own business but just not getting the success you want. Maybe you're doing quite well but how about you double or triple your income ? Sound like something you'd want ? then keep reading...
In order to achieve the wealth that you desire, you have to follow the steps described below.

  • Be happy right now !
  • Ask Allah swt !
  • Imagine that you already have it, and be thankful !
  • The secret ingredient !
Be Happy Right Now !

To make someone else happy, you have to be happy first.
You can't give away something you don't have ! Start by closing your eyes after reading this.... and keep them closed for a minute... then open your eyes and read on after you've opened your eyes after a minute...
Now, Imagine if you had to live the rest of your life in the state that you just experienced with your eyes closed. Imagine who you would drive back home, live your daily life without being able to see anything ! Would that not be miserable ? Would you ever want that to happen ? You know. there are people in this world who do not have eye sight. They can not see. Who have no choice... You do. And this is something to be thankful for ! So right now, right this second, thank Allah swt every moment of your life for even a small thing like the fact that you can see. Because if it were taken away you wouldn't experience the joys that you are right now. To be happy and to show gratitude to Allah swt, thank Him every moment for all the things that you have in life.
Prayer is meant to be a form of gratitude and thanks to Allah swt. Did you ever go to a friend who had done you a favor and said thanks in a very low sad tone, with tears of misery falling in your eyes ? did you ever in this state say to your friend thanks if your friend gave you something that did wonders to your life and helped you out ? I think not. Instead, you would show gratitude to your friend and say thanks in the most upbeat and happy manner that you can, with a smile on your face.
Same is the situation of your prayer. Prophet Mohammed pbuh said, the best form of salaa't is where you imagine that you're watching Allah swt, and if you can't do that then atleast imagine that Allah swt is watching you.
When you're saying thanks to Allah swt with the imagination that you're watching Him, should you not be more thankful, happy and upbeat than you would be if you were to thank your friend ? I think so. Therefore, let the next prayer of yours be one filled with joy and gratitude.
We pray and we thank Allah swt for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. How then, is it possible that during our salaa't and after we've finished it, are we still in a state of sadness or misery ? If it is so, go and pray again. If you have any sorrow or problem in your life right now, take your mind off of it. Instead, think of all the things that you have been blessed by Allah swt and be happy for that ! the sorrow shall go away automatically. inshaAllah.

Ask Allah swt !

Once you are in the state of happiness, the next step is to ask !
As Muslims, the way to ask is by prayer. Read two raka'at nafl sala'at and ask Allah swt for whatever it is that you may seek.
But, you must be careful! Do not ask Allah swt for "money". As there's a hadith which says that whoever asks Allah swt for money, Allah decreases his wealth.
Therefore, instead of asking for money, ask for things that you actually want that requires money. for example, house, car, business growth, job etc. Everything but money itself should be asked for. Because once you have what you want, the money is obviously a pre-requisite. But that will come on it's own. You need not worry about how and from where. Allah swt will provide you the means of it inshaAllah.

Imagine that you already have it, and be thankful !

Once you've followed the step of asking, you should now use the powerful imagination of your brain to assume that you've already received what you have asked for. Imagine that you already are in the state where you've acheived what you asked ! Imagine the joy, imagine the gratitude that you would feel at that point in time. Now, keep that thought in your mind and heart at all times. It is bound to come true insha Allah. But for the time that has to pass in order for that to become reality, you patiently wait. And that waiting period has to be done in the state of gratitude and happiness. And it is in this state where Allah swt has said,
Inalla'ha Ma'a sabireen. Allah is with those who do sabr.
It is the state of gratitude that one should stay in and let the time pass while doing sabr (wait).

The secret ingredient !

The secret ingredient, without which not much above is possible, the igredient that works like a catalyst in this process is that of forgiveness.
Once Prophet Mohammed pbuh was sitting in the mosque with his companions, and He said, the person who will pass us in the masjid is going to be in the Jannah. And right then, a person passed them. The next day Prophet Mohammed said the same thing that the person who will pass them will be in Jannah. And the same person as the day before passed them. The third day, the same thing happened. One of the sahabi (prophet Mohammed pbuh's companions) decided to find out what it was about the person that gave him such a high honor, that Prophet Mohammed pbuh himself gave the glad tidings of Jannah (heaven) for him. So the sahabi went to the person's home and made up a story that he was in a need to stay and would like to be a guest for three nights. As was the custom of that time, the person allowed the sahabi to stay as a guest. For three nights, the sahabi watched every move of the person, but could not come up with anything that was out of the ordinary. On the third day, before leaving, the sahabi confronted the person and told him that he had actually come to visit because of what Prophet Mohammed had said about him. And that the sahabi wanted to find out what act did the person perform that made him such a great Muslim to be given Jannah. The person upon hearing this said, well you have observed me. I do not do anything different than what you do. I pray, I do the deeds a Muslim should do. Nothing I do is much different. Upon hearing this, the sahabi turned around to leave, when the person said, I dont do any deed which is do different, unelss ! there is this one act that I do. The sahabi asked him what that deed was. And the person replied, every day before I go to bed, I forgive every person in my life. I keep no hard feelings for anyone in my heart whatsoever. ! Upon hearing this, the sahabi replied, indeed, this is the act that has granted you jannah, and it is the act that we can not do.
The moral of the hadith is that, not only is forgiveness the key ingredient in acheving happiness and wealth in this world, it is also such a noble and great deed, that our Prophet Mohammed pbuh gave the glad tidings of the person going to Jannah for who performs this act ! Why then shall we waste even a moment of our lives with any hard feelings in our heart for anyone at all.
In order to forgive, take out a piece of paper, and then write down all the names of the people who you think ever hurt you in your life. This includes your parents, siblings, spouse, children, friends, co-workers or anyone even remotely associated to your life who has hurt you or is hurting you at the moment. Then for ever person, write down and repeat the following:
I (your name), forgive (the person's name) for everything that he/she did. I forgive him/her completely for what he/she did or is doing right now. I wish him/her well. May Allah bless him/her !
It is imperative that you write the above and then do so from within your heart and mean it. By doing so you will release any negative emotions or energy and then will utilize your energy to the fullest to acheive your goals by following the rules stated above insha Allah !

For the website for the same check out

Check out my other site on how to be happy !

For islamic library visit

You want to have sex ? go for it ! BUT read this first !

While some think that talking about sex is oooh so taboo hence are ignorant when it comes to one of the most natural acts. Sex, in islam is one of the things that Allah swt allows us to have, from the point when we have reached the age of wisdom and puberty. However, we need to ensure that before we do so, we have nikah done.

These days, marriage, especially in desi communities have become such a big drama, politics, and whatever not that it leaves the non-married ppl in the state of being single. Hormones are natural and jumpy ones are surely part of the human body.
Ppl usually don't admit, but the fact is that most ppl are having sex with someone outside of marriage especially Muslims in the west because it's easy and accessible. These days even the eastern countries are quite prone to it. So rather than having lectures over lectures over lectures of how one should abstain from sex with non-married partner and it being haram, which of course it is; why don't we simply promote the idea of young adults, even if they're teenagers, to simply have nikah done.

This opens up a can of worm, surely where if a 17 year old would go to his/her parents asking them to marry him/her. most of the times the parents would either laugh or tell him/ her to wait till they're old enough to be married. So while that doesn't go anywhere, the teenager back in high school or even their freshman year simply starts to get it ON since everyone else (non-Muslims) are doing it !

So between the act of marrying kids at early age versus the Desi family politics and old traditions, the desi drama prevails.
Parents, what have they gained ? They simply follow what their elders did. Wait till the guy is old enough, settled so he can take care of the family. And while he reaches 30 till he has accomplished all of that, in the midst of it all, he also has had a couple of sex partners who he had haraam sex with. All that could be avoided.

First, Allah swt, in Quran, states that when the child reaches the age of "baaligh (puberty and wisdom)" then marry them. And do no worry about how he will take care of his family after marrying at the early age. As Allah shall take care of the rizq.
.... Then why is it that parents are completely ignoring this statement of Quran, and still worry about what has been mentioned earlier about not marrying their kids early on.

Second, let's just say the parents even in this day in age are stuck with the old thoughts and beliefs, mostly worrying about dowry (in girls case), and education and jobs (in boys case), then let the parents be that way. One cant fight a lost battle.
BUT, we as the younger generation, and even the teenagers, (who we should be able to convey this to), should simply go ahead and have nikah done to the muslim whom the like.

Nikah is not a difficult task. It simply takes two people who are old enough to be witnesses, and an Imam to perform it.
Ulamaa have given fatwaa that if the boy and girl fear that they can not stay away from having sex with each other, yet their parents are not allowing them to be married, then instead of committing the sins of zina (sex before marriage) it is best that they simply go ahead and have nikah done with or without the consent of parents.

I have come across cases where the guy and girl got it ON with, without nikah, the girl ended up pregnant, and then they got married when the kid was about to be born three months later ! the couple then told everyone that they had performed a secret nikah earlier. Allah knows best. I surely hope that it was the case. But for those who dont have the nikah done, come on ppl. It's simple. takes what not even 5 minutes of your time ? why not just perform nikah, and have sex the right way ! and enjoy it without the fear of being sinful in the eyes of Allah swt.

What's more important to you ? the drama and politics of families or the pleasure and fear of Allah swt ? If the latter is important to you, then for the sake of Allah, even if you're currently sleeping with someone without Nikah or plan on... Just have nikah done first !

May Allah bless us all and guide us towards the right path. Ameen !

Now, don't just read this, sit there and shrug this away. Grab two friends, call him/her up, and go do the right thing ! and invite me later when you have your kids b'day parties :)

Understanding Quran

Imagine that there is a servant of a King. and the king asks the servant"bring me a glass of water".
Now imagine that servant standing in front of the emperor and in the most beautiful voice with standing straight hands in front, starts to say "bring me a glass of water". the servant doesn't move an inch from where he is. instead of getting the glass of water, simply continues to repeat "bring me a glass of water" over and over again...

what would you call that servant ? you'd call the servant stupid. because instead of doing what the king has asked the servant to do, the servant is simply reciting what the king asked....

my friends, similar is the example of Muslims. If we don't understand the Quran, and simply recite it in the most beautiful voice, yet don't do what Allah is asking us to do in Quran, we're no different from the servant of the King... I hope you would think about this !

Don't just close this and move on to another journal. take a moment to visit this site and bookmark it. read the Quran on this site and it's meaning. Make a difference in your life. ! Click on the link below.

Praying Salaat ? are you kidding me ? !

Yea, you read it right ! r u kidding me ?
read nimaz. pray. why ?
because we're Muslims. ok sure ! I'll do it if you say so. but do you do it ?
sure I do.
really ? Yes really. and every Muslims should do it. and that's why I'm telling you to do it too.
...... here's what a typical conversation between two Muslims that would take place where one brother or sister who is "good Muslim" telling the other brother or sister to pray cause the other one doesn't. sure. it's all good.
what exactly are you asking the other muslim to do ? go do some rituals with water splashed over your body. oh and it's called wudu. so the newbie (the person who you're trying to tell to go pray) asks. what's that for ?

never mind that. it's just the way it is and we just have to do it.....
OK... says the newbie... and then u say after that's done here's what you read in nimaz when you stand up straight then go in ruku and sajood. and you either write it down or give a book with the ayaat's that the newbie is supposed to read through out the standing up and ruku and sujoood of the prayer.
so there. your job as the "good muslim" is done ... so you feel.

and the newbie brother/sister says. ok so I'll do this because we're supposed to. but can you tell me why we have to do this ? why this particular way ? and what does all this arabic that I'll memorize to read the prayer mean ?

If the answer to that by you is... hey i dont know just do it. you're not supposed to ask why in religion ! dont be a fool ! well then the response you get is certainly, if not outspoken but thought, will be....

r u kidding me ?
read nimaz. pray. why ?

that's what the newbie will think... the ideas going across the kids and even the newbie adults would be...
why should i ? what's the point ? will this make a difference ? what's the importance ? so what if i don't ? and even if i do would someone please tell me WHY ? !

so u see brothers and sisters... reading the arabic during prayers is one thing. it's great we have even memorized it by heart. and i'm sure most of us even know the translation to the arabic we read. but do we know what it really means ? why do we read it ? what's the POINT ? ?

if you're read so far, i'm sure ure curious to know. I know I was. so I searched, I asked, I went and sat with the ulamaa's and am continuing to do so.. Why ? because just like the student in class who asks questions and is attentive learns the most, same is the muslim who seeks knowledge to better him/herself and ASKS.

here's a plain simple english version of what I feel can convey the idea of why we should and what it means. I am by no means a scholar, an Aalim, or anyone of that sort. I am just like most of us, a simple plain muslim. Who wants to know what it is that we have to do five times a day. why . why . why ? cause untill we ask this question why ? we can't find the truth.

1. You say niyaah ( intention) and takbir (allah hu akbar). the intention that says it out loud that you intend to pray so and so prayer, fajr, zuhr etc depending upon time. and you intend to face yourself standing towards the direction of ka'ba.

2. you read surah fatiha. Alhamdulillah e rabbil Alamin). the word to word translation can be read in Quran. the simple idea behind it is that you're praising Allah swt, and asking him for guidance to show you the straight path (siraat e mustaqeem) so that you do not go astray and are steadfast on the path of the believers by who Allah swt is happy with.

3. you read another ayaat from Quran. whichever one you like.

4. you bow yourself which is called ruku. you say subhaan a rabb e al Azeem. meaning you're once again glorifying Allah saying he's the greatest.

5. you go down in sajdah. you say subhaan a rabb e al Aalaa. you once again praise the lord and say Allah is the greatest !

7. The sitting position in between the Sijdahs is called jalsa and the sitting position when praying Attahiyat is called Qaida.

6. once you perform the required actions before it, then comes the time when you're sitting down and start to read Attahyaat.

great so we understand the rest of the Prayer, we know what the actions mean but when we sit in this last position called Qaida and read Attahiyat. what does it mean ? and why do we read this ? what's the point ? what's the signifance ? why do we say it ?

here's why ...

The reason goes back to the time of our prophet Mohammed pbuh (peace be upon him) when he went to meet Allah swt the night which is known as the night of Miraj. That night, actually just passed last night August 10. The night when we all pray and ask for mercy.

The angel Gibril (Gabriel as some know him), was sent down to earth to Prophet Mohammed pbuh. (peace be upon him). Along with Gabriel was an animal that is known to be a mix of horse and donkey. known as Khacchar (in urdu). the name for the animal was Burraq. it comes from the word burq which means light. The significance being the animal was fast as light for traveling.

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), was asked to ride on Burraq and then during the night period was taken to Masjid e Aqsa. Bear in mind that some think all of this took place spiritually. But for a spirit, an animal is not needed to ride upon. More over, Miraj for our prophet took place physically as well as spiritually. the human body as we have it in this world. no exceptions. The time, during this en devour, for the world stopped. As they say that the time from when the our prophet went on this journey to when He came back, the door knob which was moving when He left, was still moving when he came back.
(Time travel explanation for this is quite easy these days now with the theory of relativity by Einstein is in place. so scientific evidence is there for the curious minds )

Prophet Mohammed, in Masjid e Aqsa prayed with all the prophets who came before Him and prophet Mohammed lead that prayer. From there he was taken up towards the skies. Gibrael accompanied him through the seven skies. At each sky, Prophet Mohammed was greeted by one of the Prophets earlier. The details I can write in a different journal

When Prophet Mohammed reached the 7th sky, there came a point where Gibrael said, O Prophet, from here on, I can no longer accompany you on your journey to meet Allah swt. Prophet Mohammed asked, why not ? you are one of the most pious, you're made of Noor (light), then why is it that you can not continue further.
Gibrael replied, because from here onwards, the Noor of Allah swt is so powerful, that against that my noor is of no significance. and because of the power of the Noor of Allah swt, my wings would burn if i continued. So Prophet Mohammed pbuh continued the journey alone towards the Arsh (throne) or Allah swt. to the point where Prophet Mohammed pbuh was greeted by Allah swt. and here is the conversation that took place.

Allah asked Prophet Mohammed pbuh, that O prophet, you've come here to meet me. Do tell. what have you brought for me ?

.. because just like when we go and meet a friend we usually take a gift to show our friendship and kindness towards our friend.. so in this question Allah wanted to know what is it that Prophet Mohammad could possibly bring for Allah swt

Prophet Mohammad replied: O Allah, I have brought you something that you don't even have. Prophet Mohammed continued, O Allah, you are the rabb ul Alameen, you are the creator and you are the owner of all the heavens and earth, there is nothing that you do not control and do not have....
But I (prophet Mohammed) have brought you something that you do not have. You O Allah are the Master and creator therefore you do not praise and you do not pray. That is what I have brought for you. and Prophet Mohammed said : Attahyat ho Lillahe wassalawat o wattaiyebato...
meaning, O Allah all the prayers and all the praises are for you my lord.

Allah swt upon hearing this was very pleased and he replied to the Prophet Mohammed pbuh : Assalam-o Alaika ayyuhan nabiyu wa rahma-tul-lahy wa barakatu-hu which means Peace be upon you O Prophet, the blessing and the mercy of Allah be upon you.

The Prophet, as always, was not concerned with himself only and he wanted his followers also to be included in the blessings that Allah invoked upon him so he said: Assalam-o alayna wa 'ala 'ibadillah-his saliheen which means Peace be upon us and upon the righteous people of Allah.

SO, this is the conversation that took place between Allah swt and Prophet Mohammed pbuh during the night of Miraj that we recite every time during the prayer while sitting down.

we then continue saying what we call the Shahada: Ashhadu Allah ilaha illalLah wa ashhadu- unna Muhammad-an 'abdu-hu wa rasool-lu hu which means: We witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His slave and His Prophet.

The remainder of the prayers that we say after the end of the Shahada i.e. As-Salah al-Ibrahimiyyah etc. are what we call a du'a but, it is optional; if you say it, it is okay and if you don't say it, it is okay also and if you say Assalam o Alaikum wa Rahamatullah your prayer is complete.

May Allah bless us all and give us the taufeeq to read Nimaz the right way ourselves, and also teach the young ones and other brothers and sisters about the Deen of Islam.

plz plz plz do tell everyone you know about the latter part of the nimaz where we read Attahyaat as the meaning and significance of that part, is not known to many.