Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You want to have sex ? go for it ! BUT read this first !

While some think that talking about sex is oooh so taboo hence are ignorant when it comes to one of the most natural acts. Sex, in islam is one of the things that Allah swt allows us to have, from the point when we have reached the age of wisdom and puberty. However, we need to ensure that before we do so, we have nikah done.

These days, marriage, especially in desi communities have become such a big drama, politics, and whatever not that it leaves the non-married ppl in the state of being single. Hormones are natural and jumpy ones are surely part of the human body.
Ppl usually don't admit, but the fact is that most ppl are having sex with someone outside of marriage especially Muslims in the west because it's easy and accessible. These days even the eastern countries are quite prone to it. So rather than having lectures over lectures over lectures of how one should abstain from sex with non-married partner and it being haram, which of course it is; why don't we simply promote the idea of young adults, even if they're teenagers, to simply have nikah done.

This opens up a can of worm, surely where if a 17 year old would go to his/her parents asking them to marry him/her. most of the times the parents would either laugh or tell him/ her to wait till they're old enough to be married. So while that doesn't go anywhere, the teenager back in high school or even their freshman year simply starts to get it ON since everyone else (non-Muslims) are doing it !

So between the act of marrying kids at early age versus the Desi family politics and old traditions, the desi drama prevails.
Parents, what have they gained ? They simply follow what their elders did. Wait till the guy is old enough, settled so he can take care of the family. And while he reaches 30 till he has accomplished all of that, in the midst of it all, he also has had a couple of sex partners who he had haraam sex with. All that could be avoided.

First, Allah swt, in Quran, states that when the child reaches the age of "baaligh (puberty and wisdom)" then marry them. And do no worry about how he will take care of his family after marrying at the early age. As Allah shall take care of the rizq.
.... Then why is it that parents are completely ignoring this statement of Quran, and still worry about what has been mentioned earlier about not marrying their kids early on.

Second, let's just say the parents even in this day in age are stuck with the old thoughts and beliefs, mostly worrying about dowry (in girls case), and education and jobs (in boys case), then let the parents be that way. One cant fight a lost battle.
BUT, we as the younger generation, and even the teenagers, (who we should be able to convey this to), should simply go ahead and have nikah done to the muslim whom the like.

Nikah is not a difficult task. It simply takes two people who are old enough to be witnesses, and an Imam to perform it.
Ulamaa have given fatwaa that if the boy and girl fear that they can not stay away from having sex with each other, yet their parents are not allowing them to be married, then instead of committing the sins of zina (sex before marriage) it is best that they simply go ahead and have nikah done with or without the consent of parents.

I have come across cases where the guy and girl got it ON with, without nikah, the girl ended up pregnant, and then they got married when the kid was about to be born three months later ! the couple then told everyone that they had performed a secret nikah earlier. Allah knows best. I surely hope that it was the case. But for those who dont have the nikah done, come on ppl. It's simple. takes what not even 5 minutes of your time ? why not just perform nikah, and have sex the right way ! and enjoy it without the fear of being sinful in the eyes of Allah swt.

What's more important to you ? the drama and politics of families or the pleasure and fear of Allah swt ? If the latter is important to you, then for the sake of Allah, even if you're currently sleeping with someone without Nikah or plan on... Just have nikah done first !

May Allah bless us all and guide us towards the right path. Ameen !

Now, don't just read this, sit there and shrug this away. Grab two friends, call him/her up, and go do the right thing ! and invite me later when you have your kids b'day parties :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

quite loud article. its easier said then done. Allah is forgiving and ever merciful.